1 week to go - EuMBC Public Conference on 11 May - Webinar

Expert speakers will give you the latest insights on EU regulatory and industry developments for Masterbatchers & Compounders.

EuMBC, the European Masterbatchers and Compounders association, invites you  to the Webinar of the EuMBC Public Conference on 11 May  2021



Opening by Valerie Moise, EuMBC President


"Operation Clean Sweep:  how does the plastic industry aim to prevent pellet losses?"

Jérémy Fouriau, Environmental Affairs Manager at Plastics Europe


"SAbyNA, the Guidance Platform for the Development of Safer Nanomaterials and Nano-Enabled Products" 

Dr. Socorro Vázquez-Campos, Area Manager of the Human & Environmental Health & Safety (HEHS) group in the Circular Economy Department at LEITAT Technological Centre



EuMBC members: free
Non-members: 150 (excl. VAT)





Tuesday 11 May 2021, 11:00 - 12:30

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our Webinar. 

Your EuMBC team


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About EuMBC

Created in 2001, as a sector group of EuPC and under the original name of ETHIC, EuMBC is today an association of companies which hold manufacturing operations in the EU, EEA and Turkey.

EuMBC represents and defends the interests of the European compounds and masterbatch producers vis-à-vis the European institutions and other professional organisations. It is particularly active in all fields related to the plastics industry (e.g. REACH, Food Contact or new technologies).


Avenue de Cortenbergh 71 1000 Brussels

+32 (0)2 732 41 24

