SAVE THE DATE - EuMBC Conference 2023 on 16th of May in Brussels
Expert speakers will give you the latest insights on EU regulatory and industry developments for Masterbatchers & Compounders.

EuMBC, the European Masterbatchers and Compounders association, invites you to its 2023 Conference on 16 May in Brussels.
The event would give you access to information on important topics such as the REACH regulation in the frame of the CSS, recyled content, SSbD and the upcoming sustainability calls in the Packaging and Packaging Waste regulation.
The registrations for the EuMBC Public Conference are now open for all interested parties.
Mrs. Lina Dunauskienen Policy Officer – Chemicals at DG Environment at the European Commission, Mrs. Marzia Scopelliti, Public Affairs Manager at EUROPEN but also speakers from CEFIC and Plastics Recyclers Europe have already been confirmed. Further speakers will be announced soon and the detailed conference programme with more information will follow soon.
EuMBC members: free. Please register here
Non-members: 250 Euro (excl. VAT). Please register here
Tuesday, 16 May 2023, 10:00 - 16:00
Kortenberglaan 71, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our event.
Your EuMBC team